Coal City Intermediate School gymnasium to be repaired

The Coal City Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education has made the decision to repair the north gymnasium at Coal City Intermediate School and reoccupy the academic center upon its completion. 


Having discussed proposed concepts from district architects, board members, at the Feb. 5 meeting,  approved moving forward with repairs to the 8,300 square-foot gymnasium that will include replacing the truss system and repairing the north wall.  


The school building has been closed since Oct. 30, 2024 when an inspection revealed  structural damage involving the roof trusses over the gymnasium. The building's fourth and fifth grade students and staff transitioned to the elementary school and will remain in that location through the 2025-2026 school year.


Future renovations or demolition plans for the school building remain on the district’s long range facility plan and will be revisited as initially intended upon a decision as to the relicensing of Dresden Generating Station and a subsequent property tax agreement.


To continue to meet the needs of students and staff being housed at the elementary school, the Board of Education directed the superintendent and chief school business official to request bids for renovations at the elementary school. Renovations would include updates to electrical capacities and mechanical systems, and the potential for temporary modular classroom/office spaces. 


At its meeting, the Board also directed the payment of invoices related to shoring the trusses and north wall of the intermediate school, and necessary abatement. The total cost being $196,679. The district has filed an insurance claim to cover these costs. The district will also seek to appeal the insurance carriers limited coverage of this situation and again seek and  request full funding of repairs. 


Building repairs will be funded through health/life safety reserves and proceeds from working cash bonds that were acquired in November 2023. 


District 1will provide the school community with updates on the building repairs through its completion that is expected in late spring 2026.