Youth Art Month celebration quickly approaching



March is Youth Art Month and to celebrate the school district’s art instructors are collaborating with the Coal City Public Library to show student artwork across all grade levels. 


The Coal City Public Library is hosting an event from 5-7 p.m. on  Thursday, March 14 where families can see artwork created by students in kindergarten to 12th grade, participate in art activities and enjoy a snack.


The theme established by the Illinois Art Education Association is  “Art in a Dream.” Among the activities planned for the evening including photo opportunities based on VanGogh's painting “The Bedroom.” There will be props for kids including blankets, stuffed animals, sleep masks etc. There will be interactive artwork  featuring Magritte's “The False Mirror,” that will include cloud shaped papers for students to write/draw their dreams on and then there will be space for them to tape the clouds around the artwork. Additionally, there will be paper spinners to color and decorate and plenty of cookies, popcorn and lemonade to enjoy.