Andrew Brimm » Coal City Music Boosters

Coal City Music Boosters

A crucial component of a healthy and successful school organization is an active parent support group. The Coal City Music Boosters exist to provide support for the Coal City Band Programs and Choral Programs. The Music Boosters fundraise to provide opportunities for the music students that cannot be provided through the school district funding alone. This parent organization is the support mechanism and back bone of all we do in our band department. Without volunteer support we would not be able to go on trips, hold events, and purchase equipment for our yearly needs. Therefore, each parent that has a child in the band department is encouraged to become involved in some way with the Music Boosters. It is a great place to meet people, add to the existing excellence, and present new ideas for making things go even smoother. The Music Boosters have previously assisted the band program through marching band uniform fittings, supplying snacks and water at games, competitions and camp, instruments and equipment, jazz concerts, scholarships, festivals, guest clinicians, guest artists, instructional staff for the Marching Coalers, band banquet, volunteers and end-of-the-year awards. 


Music Booster Board of Directors

The Music Boosters are led by a Board of Directors who are elected each year. Members of the Board of Directors include: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.  This years Board of directors includes:


President Carmen Kinder

Vice President- Jamie Higgins

Secretary- Rachael Cimino

Treasurer- Julie Vanek


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